Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Lock and Key


I've got 99 problems and one of my biggest ones is giving the key to my peace, happiness and sound mind to others. I allow actions, words, behavior and the lack of action, words and behavior to unlock. open and dwell in my heart and mind.

I'm positive that I'm not the only one that allows friends, family, co-workers, love interest, customer service representatives and drivers to vacuum out the joy and take full residence. I'm positive that I'm not the only one to dwell on things too long and give my power away.

I'll wake up, feeling blessed and happy and then quickly take a detour when someone's action doesn't follow my expectations. Instead of quickly dismissing and moving on with life, I'll replay the conversation or action over and over AND over again wasting my brain matter on nonsense.

It's something I struggle with big time. It's something I'm working on big time. I want to be "so strong that nothing can disturb my peace of mind" and to be "too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble."

Sometimes the remedy is easy like a great song or other mood changer, sometimes the remedy requires a deep prayerful reflection or removing yourself from a situation, and sometimes the only answer is time.

Challenge of the Day:
To be strong so that nothing will disturb your peace and steal your joy.
Song of the Day:

1 comment:

  1. You should read The Battlefied of the Mind by Joyce Meyer...it's a game changer. Really helps you understand why these thoughts take root and gives you a way to overcome them. So good!!!!
