Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Direct Deposit

I'm a talker, social butterfly, whatever you want to call it, I'm blessed with the gift of gab. What's interesting though, is that one major flaw I have (that a close friend pointed out) is not speaking my mind. As she likes to say, I expect people to be mind readers.
She's a perfect example of stating her expectations, feelings, mindset, and disappointments. One is never left wondering.
I've made it a mission to be more straightforward. Despite needing a composing timeframe to either collect my thoughts, analysis the situation, calm down, mentally bullet point my reasons or address an uncomfortable situation, I've made huge strides in being direct.
The outcome has been monumental, I get results, my timeframe of harboring things has been shortened, and people give answers.
Most recently speaking my mind has led to deeper friendships, more insight on situations, and hearing out someone else's perspective. I've also gained different work hours and work from home days (insert today) Woop Woop!
During the old cousin get-together, we talked about basketball but specifically playing a certain position. She expressed that the coach was moving her all around to different positions and there was a slight level of frustration even though she was happy to start. (Insert being direct) I asked "Have you talked to your coach about wanting to play only one position and becoming a master of it? Have you told her your end all goal of wanting to play in college? I guarantee you, that if you schedule a time to discuss your end all goal and ask for feedback on why she's got you playing different positions, you'll gain huge insight and she'll understand your frustrations. She'll also respect you and be more apt to help with the process." Easier said than done, I get it, but it takes out the mind reading part and limits the brewing frustration.
Work in progress over here, but I'm trying :)


Challenge of the Day:
Be direct. If someone has disappointed you, hurt your feeling, or not met your expectations address it in a calm, straightforward manner. If you can't talk about it, put it in email format chicken shit.
I'll take it one step further, if your love tank is running low, you need assistance in an area, a raise is due, change of direction is needed, different work hours are desired and so on..go for it!
I'll take it on giant step further, what about being a voice and shedding light on injustice.
Song of the Day:
Break The Fall - Laura Welsh 
Mildly Obsessed:
Something Natural is only 7g of pure cane sugar and made with all natural ingredients. This sparkling water is incredible and I'm mildly obsessed with it! Blueberry Lemon is my fav :)

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